Idoling, If It's Not Deep, You Are Still On A Shallow Part

Yo guys, it's been forever since my last post isn't it?

This is my brother's blog, and I fully aware of that, but let me throw my trash bag here, if it's stay longer in my heart I don't know what will happen.

First, sorry for my broken english, it's my third language, but I think I can express my feeling better with english than my original mother languages.

It's 2 o'clock in the morning and here i am, sitting like an idiot, thinking about trivial thing that maybe not even a problem for most people in this world.

You know that I currently stuck on idoling, you know, 48G stuff and thing. Me and my friend even make a web show about that on youtube, you can see that show by clicking this. We put a lot of efforts, time and money to do this kind of hobby, it's rather expensive, even though it's worth to do.

And after all I do for this hobby, where I found a girl, Kinal, that I really like, I feel empty. There is a hollowed space deep down inside my chest when I think about this. I mean, maybe it's a cliche, but after all my efforts i don't feel that the gap between me (and my feeling included) and her are getting closer, it's just keep wider. She achieved many great things, while I'm busy chasing her shadow. It's frustating, even for a happy go lucky type of man like myself. 

Maybe this is what they called insecurities, never had one before, haha.

But I really like this girl. First time, I just liked her like everyone else, because of her attitudes, her efforts, her smile, everything she showed for everyone else. But as time gone by, I really fall for her.. :P I do feel a butterfly flying around my stomach while I typing right now.

Off course I know that this feeling have a 95% chance that it will ends with a serious broken heart, I fully prepared for that thing. But please, let me enjoy this moment, Because I don't even know until when I can managed this feeling. For the time being, I'll stay idoling for her.

It even disturbed my progress for Final Project. Gosh. And the due day is like 1 day away! 

I guess, that's it for now. 

Best regard,


  1. coba lanjut aja, kalo ngga berhasil.... toh cuman broken heart with painfully sad truth. but the morral is, don't worry man, you still can buy cyanide on fair price on web :D hahahaha if your self don't believe it.... who else?

    1. dari ngomongnya yg sok pinter pasti ini si gian deh..


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